GREYFIN Lubricators & Oilers :: Smarownice i Olejarki – ADAMS LubeTech Limited, TRICO Corp., OILRITE Corp., INTERLUBE Systems Limited, PREDICT

About Us

GREYFIN company – is the exclusive, authorized, direct distributor of:


ADAMS LubeTech Limited from Coventry, WM, UK

TRICO Corporation from Pewaukee, WI, USA

OILRITE Corporation from Manitowoc, WI, USA

COUGAR Lubricants from London, UK

GROENEVELD-BEKA UK Ltd., formerly INTERLUBE Systems Limited from Plymouth, UK


The best and oldest manufacturers of machine lubrication systems in the world.


Our flagship products include: Constant Level Oilers, Premium Constant Level Oilers, Chain Lubrication, Lubricators, Oilers, Liquid Level Gages, Oil Windows and Central Lubrication.

2011, we introduced Constant Level Oilers with a conventional, atmospheric mode of operation, but an extremely innovative structure and unprecedented simplicity of assembly, setting and operation on the Polish and Central-Eastern European market.

2012, we introduced Premium Constant Level Oilers, product of the future, which revolutionize the lubrication technique of industrial equipment. Thanks to the closed structure, they are ideal for use in extremely difficult conditions, and thanks to their innovative design, they are completely maintenance-free and do not require adjustment.

2013, we introduced the innovative systems for storage, protection, identification, transfer and delivery of lubricants – TRICO SPECTRUM LIQUID CONTAINERS, which revolutionize the idea of lubrication and significantly facilitate the work of maintenance departments in every industry.

The products we offer receive numerous awards and are appreciated by experts and users.

Due to the highest quality, the products we offer are considered the best products in their category. We guarantee the shortest possible terms of order fulfillment and certainty of delivery in any quantity.

  • Products of ADAMS LubeTech Limited

    Products of ADAMS LubeTech Limited

    Adams LubeTech Ltd. has an unrivalled reputation as a manufacturer of single point Lubricatiors and Oilers and Centralized Systems, exporting to many countries throughout the world, now also to Central and Eastern Europa.

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  • Products of TRICO Corporation

    Products of TRICO Corporation

    TRICO oferuje pełen zakres usług zarządzania smarowaniem i tworzy produkty, które sprawiają, że maszyny pracują niezawodnie i zużywają jedynie tyle energii ile jest to niezbędne. Jeśli szukają Państwo najpełniejszej gamy produktów niezawodnego i energooszczędnego smarowania to produkty Trico są idealnym rozwiązaniem dla Państwa...

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  • Products of INTERLUBE Systems Limited

    Products of INTERLUBE Systems Limited

    Kluczowymi produktami INTERLUBE Systems są systemy smarowania samochodów ciężarowych, autobusów, przyczep, dźwigów, maszyn budowlanych i rolniczych oraz systemy smarowania łańcuchów przemysłowych (grawitacyjne oraz natryskowe - ROTALUBE) Jako jedyny producent możemy zaoferować w pełni certyfikowane ATEX wielopunktowe pompy smaru...

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  • Produkty OIL-RITE Corporation

    Produkty OIL-RITE Corporation

    OIL-RITE Corporation Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur...

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For further assistance please contact us under: +48 660 843 220, or write to:

We guarantee short delivery terms. We are happy to prepare a quote for a specific request. We invite you to contact us, see our detailed offer and placing orders.

GREYFIN - Adam Szarafiński, ul. Plac Teatralny 10 lok. 3, 41-800 Zabrze, Polska / Poland

© 2014 - 2025 - Projekt i realizacja DEOS